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#portaugusta | GALLERY

Take a look at the #portaugusta photos to have appeared on social media over the past week.

From red earth to the reef

James and Emily Mackintosh of Gum Creek Station, aged nine and five, were transported to the depths of the Great Barrier Reef thanks to the...

Facebook focus

10. Repower Port Augusta visits the Premier.9. Looking Back MEGA GALLERY.8. Submitted opinion piece.7. Your questions from Wednesday night's rates meeting, answered by Mayor Sam Johnson.6. Perfect 10...

Warmer days results in more snakes

PORT Augusta residents are being reminded to keep a watchful eye out for snakes, during the change of season.People all over South Australia are...

Visits planned in Far North

The newly formed Nuclear Consultation and Response Agency team will visit towns in the state’s north this month to hold a series of all-day...

Ride to raise money for Soldier On

Adelaide woman Deb Goss is set to undergo a gruelling 900 kilometre bike ride as she takes on the Mawson Marathon on Saturday, September...

Wilmo boys snag Balak’s best dressed

It came down to the nose, but in the end, Wilmington’s Tom and Stormy McMahon just clinched the win in the Northern Argus’ best...

Stack demolished

THE TWO-year demolition of the Port Augusta Power Station sites got underway with the felling of the 80-metre Playford A stack on Friday morning.The event, witnessed...

Tenders boost local solar

The state government announcing it will introduce new competitors into the electricity market, on the back of recent spiraling electricity prices across the state..Premier Jay Weatherill...

Wish to ‘Loch’ in 60 limit

Members of the Lochiel community have expressed support for the 12-month trial which has seen the speed limit along the section of the highway...

Family day planned