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Reconciliation Week | GALLERY

Crystal Brook Kindergarten's Reconciliation Week campfire and activities.

Gourlay puts hand up for Grey

THE ELECTION race for the Division of Grey may have grown by one more with a 71-year-old Whyalla resident announcing his intention to run...

Youth volunteer scholarship awards open

THE youth of Port Augusta have the chance to attain a $3,000 scholarship for their education.The announcement comes from state MP for Stuart, Dan van Holst...

What Port Augusta wants this election

OUR readers have had their say in a Fairfax Media survey ahead of the July 2 federal election.In May, Transcontinental readers participated in a statewide...

Augusta fuel prices ease

PORT Augusta continues to rise in the monthly RAA fuel ratings reaching regional South Australia’s top 10 for the month of MayRegional fuel prices improved...

Grey voters indifferent

THE general theme for Grey voters, particularly in Port Augusta is an overall indifference with the current government’s action on employment.When asked what the...

New solar thermal energy power station

A NEW $1.2 billion energy storage facility may be the answer to growing uncertainties about energy and job security in Port Augusta.Once completed, it will generate enough...

Marsh says ‘no’ to nuclear

PREVENTING a nuclear repository and backing a national rural health plan are key platforms for the Greens candidate for Grey, Jillian Marsh. Dr Marsh grew up in...

Debate is your chance to be heard

Voters in country South Australia could be forgiven for feeling powerless at the upcoming federal election.The contest always seems to be decided in western...

Town services to stay

THE STATE government will continue to provide essential services for Leigh Creek beyond July 2018 for about 700 people both in the town and surrounding...

Nothing will stop Kim Fight to get back on top

PORT AUGUSTA - Country Fire Service volunteer Kim Gloyn, who lives just outside Port Augusta, is competing in the Emergency Services Games in Hobart,...