The week that was | NEWS RECAP
SATURDAY | 2016 Spencer Gulf Rugby League All-Star clash a hit in Port Augusta.SUNDAY | You might not be able to teach an old dog new tricks...
Power a non issue
STATE Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis provided a contrasting view on pricing.“Our advice is that while there is inherent price volatility in...
Power issues remain
POTENTIAL issues of supply and pricing of electricity into Port Augusta and surrounding areas will come to the forefront of businesses in the short...
Volunteer grants for Port Augusta groups
FEDERAL Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey announced 41 Far North organisations to have been successful in applying for the Volunteer Grants 2015/16 program in Grey recently.Mr...
Beyond Bank Port Augusta Business Awards voting
BEYOND Bank is offering you a chance to recognise – and be recognised for – your business achievements.Awards will be presented in 15 categories...
Family Week packs Gladstone Square
Families are the strongest link in a person’s life and today the families of Port Augusta came together as one big family for a...
Labor names Grey bidder
MORE candidates for the Division of Grey have been put forward for this year’s federal election.Labor announced last week that Scott Martin from the...
Willsden Primary walking to success
It might be one small walk for a Willsden Primary School student, but it may be one giant leap for the health of Port Augusta youngsters.Today,...
Artists named for town art
FOUR artists have been selected to take part in the Leigh Creek Artist-in-Residence program aimed at adding vibrancy to the town centre during the peak tourism...