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Port Augusta’s ANZAC lineage

Mary Hakendorf, who at the time lived in the Flinders Hotel, composed the music for the patriotic song They’re Calling Me (Coo-ee), sending a...

Critical injuries in rollover

POLICE attended the scene of a camper van rollover in the state’s far north, near Lake Hart last weekReports say the single-vehicle accident left six people...

Police urge for safety by car and boat

SAPOL is running safety campaigns for vehicle and marine operators over the current school holiday period.Road users are being asked to remember who is sharing...

Looking Back at The Trans’ | GALLERY

Every Wednesday evening we’ll be having a look back at the faces to have appeared in The Transcontinental over the past 50 years.Weddings, birthdays,...

Brave Bears for children

BEING away from home as a child can be a daunting thing, even more so if they are staying in a hospital.To make the...

SA keen for solar thermal

A STATE-wide poll suggests South Australians are rallying behind Port Augusta’s push to be home to a large solar thermal power station, as the city’s...

Fuel prices slowly improve

PORT Augusta motorists were some of the biggest beneficiaries of an improvement in fuel prices over the past month.The latest RAA Regional Fuel Ratings...

Port Augusta’s Pozières

IN 1916 Australian soldiers participated in Battle of Pozières and Mouquet Farm which formed a part of the Battle of the Somme.The Battle of the Somme was...

On The Run opening in Port Augusta

SOUTH Australian convenience chain On The Run will open a Port Augusta store in late 2016.The service station will be located at the corner...

In tomorrow’s Trans’…

School ANZAC ceremonies Last haul marks the end of an era as Alinta's final coal train arrives from in Port Augusta from Leigh Creek next week.  Netball’s A...

Ready to cook up a storm

The Port Augusta Salvation Army has been running its Cooking Groups Program for the past six years, providing a welcoming space for the community...