LGA unconvinced on Bill
THE STATE Liberal’s council rate-capping bill was presented to the Local Government Association at a special forum in Adelaide last week.The State Opposition recently introduced legislation...
ANZAC Day events in Port Augusta
THE PORT Augusta Returned Services League has a number of its usual events planned for this year’s ANZAC Day celebrations. RSL President Arno Schwarze said the...
Remember those who fought for our nation
World War I is, unarguably, the greatest tragedy Australia has ever faced. More than 60,000 Australians died in the four years of the First World...
Final train haulage next week
THE FINAL haulage of coal will be railed from Leigh Creek Coal Mine to Port Augusta Power Station next Wednesday, April 27. To mark the milestone, Alinta...
Mud’s Run raises $25,000
SUPPORT for the charity ride ‘Mud’s Run’ came out in droves last weekend. Steven ‘Muddy’ Waters recently became sick, so his friends organised the ride in his honour, hoping to...
Students remember ANZACs
STUDENTS at Stirling North Primary School have again been learning about the importance of ANZAC Day.The school's Prinicpal Adam Wilson hosted an early ANZAC...
The week that was | NEWS RECAP
SATURDAY | A remarkable show of community spirit saw hundreds support the plight of popular local Steven 'Muddy' Waters last weekend. Photos | http://bit.ly/22nl6WoSUNDAY | Port...
Coles gives extra support to shoppers
ADDITIONAL needs trolleys are now available for use at Coles Port Augusta.Parents and carers who have children with a disability can access a specially-designed...
Agreement to support region’s future
SUPPORT for the Upper Spencer Gulf is being pledged by local, state and federal representatives today.Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey, State Liberal Member for Stuart Dan...