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Local doctor training could provide medical coup

IN a major development in medical practice, young doctors may be trained at the Port Augusta hospital.The intern program may be extended from Adelaide...

Scouts sail the ‘One & All’

THIRTEEN scouts, venturers, leaders and parents travelled down to Port Lincoln to take part in a sail training tall ship at dusk on the STV...

Doubt over Downer future

DOUBT surrounding sustainability of Downer EDI’s Port Augusta site has risen after more job losses last week.With over 40 employees losing their jobs over...

Sneak peek at DP project

A DEVELOPMENT Assessment Commission application for the Port Augusta Renewable Energy Park proposal has been placed on public notification.The public has six weeks from January 27...

It’s time to help Clean Up Australia

CLEAN Up Australia Day 2016 is just around the corner and the organisation is calling for people to register a site to clean.On Sunday,...

Top students to be recognised

PORT Augusta’s top year 12 students will converge on Government House in Adelaide next week to be honoured at the SACE Merit Ceremony.Georgia Butterworth (English...

Public debate on east side jetty future

COUNCIL is seeking comments from the Port Augusta community in relation to the future of the T-Jetty located on the east side foreshore.The jetty...

Hard work paying off for Amanda

AMANDA Veen has done it the hard way, but her determination, hard work and passion are finally paying off.She recently finished her second attempt at year...

Dedicated ‘Bluey’ awarded

COUNTRY Fire Service Region 4 Commander 'Bluey’ Devine was recently awarded one of the highest honours for firefighters after almost 30 years service. The Australian Fire...

Desert Voices sing at city ceremony

Breakfast, bursting balloons and birthday cake; this was the scene at Gladstone Square, on Australia Day, as The Desert Voices sang to the crowd and...

Grant funding available for UniHub students in Far North

PORT AUGUSTA/ROXBY DOWNS - Regional Development Australia Far North is welcoming applications for its bursary fund for 2025, working to support students living in...