AI is here, and here to stay
WHYALLA - The University of South Australia’s Whyalla Campus recently held a lecture about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its role within education.
The lecture was...
Centuries abound in SGL
REGION - Three batsmen scored centuries in round 13 of the Spencer Gulf League, in one of the highest-scoring weekends of the competition thus...
Out and about in Augusta
Photographer Sue Dalla Santa was out and about capturing people enjoying local sport including cricket, basketball and lawns bowls as well as some fun...
Local grain grower workshop
CRYSTAL BROOK - Growing grain is one thing, but once the crop is off, marketing grain successfully can be a driver towards long-term profitability.
Funding boost available for Augusta community groups
PORT AUGUSTA - The Port Augusta City Council has announced there will be a funding boost available for community groups in 2025.
Local community groups...
A mad dash in the Snal weeks before the new school year has seen Augusta’s newest school Seaview Christian College...
Special places, special day
If you are looking to spend romantic time with your partner on Valentine’s Day there are many places where you can enjoy the day.
GFG welcomes apprentices
WHYALLA - Nearly 40 graduates and apprentices have been given the opportunity to continue their careers at the Whyalla Steelworks and SMR mines through...
Writer puts life into prose
REGION - Born in Port Broughton, author Phil Cummings said he has drawn on his childhood growing up on a farm and later living...
Work ethic is undeniable
HAWKER - The Hawker Area School Student Representative Council (SRC) has achieved a lot across the past year, including finishing runner-up in the South...